Thursday, May 19, 2011

5 day Parelli Experience

I arrived home just a mere four days ago from the 5-Day Parelli Experience course held at the 17 Ranch in Thamesford last week.  Honestly, it has taken me just this long to soak and process the experience ... and what an experience it was!  Where do I even begin to blog about it??  I am going to attempt to answer the much dreaded, nerve wracking question asked in Parelli-land - what did you learn?

1. I learned that I really, really love my horse.  This experience reconfirmed that he and I are indeed a perfect match.  When he is unconfident (like when he got off the trailer and was face to face with a very big, and very scary rock!!) I am there to help him through and when I am unconfident - he is my support.   The right horse is better than winning the lottery in my books.

2. I need to be more confident in myself.  I have alot of savvy and am solidly in Level 3 and moving into Level 4 (not Level 1 like I sometimes tell myself).  Instead of being so focused on the proper sequence of the program and frozen with worry that I am not ready - I need to trust that if I think I am ready to progress into something new, I probably am.  Trying to summarize this concept, I need to remember that I don't need permission from an instructor in order to progress - my horse will tell me when the timing is right.   Never was this more evident when I nervously attempted my first ever official Liberty session. I laughed outloud at Tido - he did everything I asked with an expression of "well its about time!".

3. I am responsible for my journey.  Period.  If I have a question - no one is going to knock on the door to answer it.  If I want to acheive something - it is my responsibility to get out there and put together a plan to do so.  And people are there to help.  I was a little bit intimidated to ask John Baar a question - but am I ever glad I did!!  He is a very approachable instructor with a relaxed yet knowledgable teaching style.  And it is comforting to know that Linda has faced some of the issues I face with Tido. 

4. Grab a hold of opportunities and just DO IT! My favourite saying (which could very well be a Parelli-ism) echoes this: Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right! So I learned .... I can, I did and I will.

So I am home, older, wiser and changed.  I find it amazing what 5 days can do to someone.  I came home with a clear path to where I want to go and what I want to do with my horses.  But I do want to thank a few people before signing off on this blog episode:

John Baar - thank you for coming all the way from Kentucky.  Thank you for being approachable and knowledgable and for telling all sorts of wonderful stories about Pat, Linda and your time spent at the Parelli Centres. 

Don Halladay - I truly think you are one of the kindest people I have ever met.  Thank you for keeping safety as the cornerstone of all your teaching.  One day I will be at a level where you will ask me to ride your cutting horse - and I'll be ready and answer YES!

Randee Halladay - it was a pleasure to meet you and I love your "tell-it-like-it-is" style.  I look forward to seeing you in Mt. Forest in July.

Maureen Owens - witness of my first official Liberty session!! Thank you for your one on one time and for supporting my journey.  I look forward to working with you to put together some teaching sessions for children in our area.

Todd Owens - I don't even know what to say.  Thank you for putting together such a wonderful event, supporting my goals and modelling how to be positive, progressive and natural.  I look forward to learning from you again in the near future. 

So I finish this blog post and am looking through the door to the rest of 2011.  People to meet, tasks to accomplish and ever closer to the highlight - my ride with Walter Zettl.   Keeping it natural!!

1 comment:

  1. After years and years of my life spent with horses, I thank God every day for this new experience of natural horsemanship and the fellowship of like minds.

    You and Tido are inspirational. Now if we can just get you to smile on the outside the way I know you are smiling on the inside as you trot by on your beutiful friend!
