Friday, April 8, 2011

A Start to a Better World for Horses

    It was with interest today that I read Parelli's E-news outlining their plans for stepping up on a charitable level to make the world a better place for horses through the Parelli Horsemanship Fund (read the entire white paper found at:   As a Parelli student and avid horse enthusiast, I read with interest.  The fund is to be aimed in 4 main streams: 
          1.  Youth Programs
          2.  Educational Scholarships
          3.  Horse Rescue Centres
          4.  Therapeutic Riding & ParaEquestrian Riding
There is no doubt, and I am sure that everyone will agree, that these are very worthy choices to focus the funds and time necessary to invoke change.  However, immediately I have several important questions that arise:
    ~Will the Fund be aimed at the above four areas worldwide or just in the countries that contain Parelli  Centres? 
    ~ How will they administer their fund to Youth programs when so little has been directed specifically to youth in the past? It would be fair to say that only the Youth of Parelli parents have access to the program and currently none of the 5 Parelli Professionals I know of make any effort to have youth involved on any level. Will some of the Educational Scholarship funds be directed to people who seek to become a Parelli Professional specifically to teach children?? 
     After reading through the aim of the Fund, the second section gives some steps on how I can help.  It seems simple, in order to be more effective, the number of Parelli students needs to increase.  However, this where I think things get a little off track.  Think about it for a minute, "You spread the word. We Donate. Horses and Humans Win."  Seems simple right?? Until we realize that the majority of Parelliers are already spreading the word.  Alot.  To anyone who shows an interest.  
    And this is where I have trouble with the Parelli model.   People seeking information about Parelli are directed to the website and the current free Level 1 program.  All good.  But to really get a feel for Parelli, the best option is to take a Level 1 Clinic.  The snag - we are being told that Parelli Professionals are only able to teach to Savvy Club members.  The reality is that joining the Savvy Club is too much financial commitment when you are just getting started. 
    To get more people trying Parelli and seeing for themselves what a great program it is for horses and humans, I feel more needs to be done at the Professional and Corporate Level.  There should be a reduced rate for all Level 1 clinics.  I am not saying they should be free but more attractive for first time participants.  This would in turn bring more people into Parelli.  Professionals would be busier than ever with a larger number of active students!  And demos.  There should be Parelli representation at all major horse events and festivals in countries where there are active Parelli Professionals and students.  Here in Ontario, Canada, Parelli is almost an underground movement.  There are no advertisements in our horse publications.  There are no Parelli booths or demonstrations at our large horse events and festivals.   To find Parelli - you have to know someone or be really motivated to find out where to start.   Parelli students are already spreading the word but more needs to come from higher up.  

It is a start and certainly more than most other horse organizations are doing.  And while I consider myself generally optimistic - I sincerely hope that what I have read doesn't benefit an elite few and we feel and see the benefits close to our own Parelli homes. 

Keeping it Natural!