Thursday, November 5, 2009

Level 2 Refinement Clinic - Day 2

Funny how for weeks post-clinic, little bits and pieces pop into your mind! I have been busy writing things down, in order to refer back to notes over the long, long winter ahead!

Day 2 began similar to Day 1 - with an online session. Ron offered some assistance with Tido's yo-yo game. Tido has the "to" part down pat, but when asking for the "from" (or away) part, he backs away crooked - always taking a step to his left. As a goal for Level 2 is to demand more and better of our partnership, I asked Ron for some suggestions on perfecting our yo-yo. As always with Ron - I was left shaking my head and muttering to myself "why didn't I think of that?". Ron suggested I practice yo-yo next to a wall or fence. After some dealing with a mild right brained reaction by Tido, sure enough he backed away nice and straight. Ironically, whenever yo-yo came into effect throughout the rest of the clinic, whether against a wall or otherwise, he backed away straight. Boy does he learn fast!!!

Next was a session of playtime during extreme chaos. A large circle of auditors and clinic participants was formed. Two at a time, participants would play with circle game over a barrel while the others waved things