Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Lightbulbs Than a Hardware Store

This week was a turning point.  Two turning points actually.  And the really amazing part - both of my light bulb moments came from knowledge I already knew - sparked by information that has been in front of my nose for ... well .... ashamed to actually admit ... years!! 

Breakthrough #1
     I watched the January 2011 Savvy Club DVD - Performance Summit Highlights.  And then I watched it again.  And again.   Because the first time I watched it - a light bulb went on.  And then I watched it two more times just to be sure it really was a lightbulb and not some other flash of light pretending to be a lightbulb. 
     So what was this brilliant, flashing, lightbulb moment?  Watching Pat and his students riding during their demo I ... wait for it ...I got IT.  I mean I really GOT IT.  I understood for the first time the importance of all this "stuff" we have been doing on the ground and how it prepares us for riding.  I really understood the importance of the patterns and their design.  I really, really got the message loud and clear how important the human and horse responsibilities are to riding.  I felt like Pat reached out through my TV screen and smacked me upside the head and said, "pay attention - this stuff is important!"   When he saw the surprise in my face, I am sure he shook his head and thought, "what do you think I have been telling you via video for the last 2 years??"   Okay Pat - I get it.   So with the lightbulb illuminated, my poor horse will finally get the leader he needs in the saddle, instead of one that has been floundering around in the dark.  I guess the only question now is, if this information has been presented to me in countless videos and clinics - why did it take me so long to get it??

Breakthrough #2
     I have come to the conclusion that I am really, really good at collecting and learning new materials.  I am great at making plans - on paper.   But I am truly mediocre at putting those plans into action.  There, my secret is out.  Too often I feel that I have "fake it 'til you make it" tattooed across my forehead.  In a few aspects of my life, I know deep down that I haven't done the time - I haven't paid the piper - I haven't given the concentrated, consistent effort required to achieve a particular goal.  And I am not just talking my horsey life ... I don't admit to too many people that I have wanted to lose weight for just over 10 years now. 
      So just as I started feeling slightly blue as I reflected on goals not yet accomplished, an email arrived from Drew Harvey and his blog Diet Tired .  Suddenly, as before, the lightbulb went on ...

"What is the trick? Five proven steps to bridge the gap between good intentions and action:

Record Keeping
Goal Setting
Overcoming Barriers
Evaluation and Feedback"

And there it is.  I am awesome at Goal Setting.  I give myself a C+ in Record Keeping.  Scheduling of my horse time or my diet & exercise requirements doesn't exist.  Overcoming Barriers is low on the list.  And could my lackadaisical attitude regarding submitting an official Parelli audition mean that I actually avoid Evaluation and Feedback???   As a certain Mrs. Parelli would say ... hmm, how interesting.   So applying the above 5 steps to my Parelli goals and my weight loss/fitness goals, I am suddenly feeling much more positive (and illuminated).  Stay tuned!!  2011 is looking bright!